Target Oriented Tracking Systems, known as TOTS for short, are mainly implemented in military settings in today's world. While these systems are incredibly complex, and have been developing over decades, this article aims to break down what Target Oriented Tracking Systems are all about.
Depending on your field of expertise, this information could be beneficial for your understanding, and even help your future career! Scientists, engineers, and at-home-enthusiasts - read on!
In Layman's Terms
Target Oriented Tracking Systems is certainly a modern tongue twister, and a mind boggler to try to understand! The programming and craftsmanship involved in developing the systems is very advanced indeed, however the aim of the system is rather simple. TOTS are there to sense targets: think of radar, but much more advanced. Target Oriented Tracking Systems do exactly what the title suggests; the system can track multiple targets in real time to allow you to monitor these targets in many different situations.
Jack Of All Trades, Master of Surprise!
TOTS is a generic system, so it can be used in all manner of ways. Most of the systems in current usage are found in the military, simply because of how essential its features are to such an environment. Target Oriented Tracking Systems can even monitor air being breathed in a close-quarters venture into enemy territory to help identify the presence of a person. There's nothing more important than the element of surprise, and TOTS could help our troops avoid danger, or the enemy getting the drop on them!
TOTS is also used heavily for missile tracking. Tracking information about a missile launch is vital. It is extremely important to know that your missile is on the right path to a successful target but even more essential is the ability to detect and track an enemy missile! Knowing the position, speed and velocity of an inbound rocket could be crucial to the safe escape of people in the danger zone.
Target Oriented Tracking Systems are also used in the naval field, monitoring surface targets. Whether you're monitoring the position of an enemy fleet, or simply locating an ally ship, TOTS helps you stay one step ahead.
Under Construction
The principles and technologies involved in Target Oriented Tracking Systems have come a long way from their humble beginnings. During the middle of the 1980s, computers and technology around the world were being rapidly developed. And alongside the global electronic development, TOTS was beginning born, and rocketed towards success.
Originally, the tracking systems were implemented to help stop the armada of potential threats as a result of the cold war. But imagine the lives that have now been safeguarded by systems to detect incoming threats before they hit their targets! Since the development of the early systems, today's Target Oriented Tracking has reached an incredible level of complexity and ability.
TOTS Today
Today's Target Oriented Tracking Systems can achieve jaw-dropping feats in comparison to its predecessors. The accuracy of the tracking of a target is near pinpoint, and prediction of the target's time and position of arrival can be almost spot on (based on a large number of variables that the system is able to calculate), all the while showing this information to the user.
Since warfare and ballistic capability has advanced to such a high-tech level, TOTS has kept pace and even gone beyond so that its systems can always keep on top of potential attackers. TOTS can be used to detect a very large number of targets, in a huge number of environments, including tracking multiple targets simultaneously, and detecting when one object separates from another. This can be vital in the case of a parent object splitting from its payload.
As we charge further into an unpredictable future, it is great to know we can depend on Target Oriented Tracking Systems to always keep us one step ahead. Being protected and guided by such advanced technology gives us the peace of mind and security of knowing that even when our guard is down, TOTS is on the lookout. As tracking systems continue to develop, who knows what incredible possibilities are on the horizon? What we do know, however, is that whatever ventures that TOTS are aiming for, they will always be right on target.
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An article by Nathan Griffiths who loves writing a wide range of technology related articles.
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