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How to protect yourself against keyloggers


What are keyloggers?

Keyloggers are quite prevalent today. They are extremely well-known as being one of the worst security threats for computers. Because keyloggers can easily record any of the keystrokes that you make, all of your valuable information, passwords, or work could be recorded and saved to be used against you later. Keyloggers generally come in the form of a virus and will work to transmit any pertinent data back across your network. Usually keyloggers are installed on computers to take personal information such as any credit card numbers that you may enter into your home computer. You may be wondering how your credit card or banking information may have been compromised, and generally the most common way to do this from your own home banking is through a keylogger.

How can you protect against keyloggers?

While some other viruses can disrupt the actual workings of a computer, keyloggers are virtually symptomless and it's very difficult for you to notice if you have one installed. The key to protecting yourself is to learn how to thwart a keylogger and prevent its installation. There are some protection options available to you such as the following:
  1. Make sure your software is always updated: if you are using older versions of software on your computer, there is no telling the security exploits that might be available for that individual version of the software. Certain forms of viruses such as keyloggers can exploit security issues with in the programs that are installed on your computer. By injecting themselves directly into these programs in older versions, you may inadvertently install a keylogger on your computer. The worst part is these exploits can be found in even the most trusted software. Microsoft components, Mac components and programs such as Adobe Flash that many people have installed on their computers in order for them to run, will have some security vulnerabilities. It is through the updates that these developers make that the programs become more secure, so it is very important to regularly update all of your computers programs no matter the developer or publishing company.
  2. Use a firewall: in order for a keylogger to work it will have to transmit the information back to the person that created it in order for them to log your information. You can prevent the keylogger from transmitting any information by setting up a proper firewall for your computer. A firewall is designed to monitor the network activity in your computer network and can display a warning or block a certain connection if it could cause your computer harm. With a regularly updated firewall program, it should be able to easily recognize any keylogger threats that may have found their way on your computer, and block them from transmitting data.
  3. Download a free version of KeyScrambler: it will encrypt each and every thing that you type into your keyboard. This will mean that any of the key log information that is transmitted back, will appear as gibberish and be completely unusable. There are few similar “key scrambler” software packages that are available online and most of them offer a free way to protect against keyloggers.
  4. Password management software: password management software allows you to store all of your passwords for important websites. This will mean that you will not have to type any passwords for any website that you have inputted into the software. There are plenty of free password managers that are available online and these will not only help to keep your passwords organized, but also thwart any keyloggers because you will never have to type the password again.
  5. Changing your passwords regularly: it will usually take some time before anyone running a keylogger will be able to use any of your passwords that they've stolen. It takes some time to sort through all of the data that is sent through a keylogger. Ultimately though, the best form of security that you can take on with passwords is to change them frequently. Consider setting up an alert on your computer or a reminder so that you can cycle all of your passwords every few weeks. This will rapidly decrease the chances of any of your accounts or personal information being stolen.
As you can see there are some ways that you can thwart a keylogger. If you have ever been victim of unaccounted viewers being hacked online, or identity theft, you know the value of using some form of security to protect yourself against keyloggers. Utilize these strategies to make sure that you can remain as safe as possible online.

Author Byline: This article about keyloggers protection was presented by Dmitri Blackthorn. Dmitri is aware of online threats and loves to share security tips among his friends and contacts. Current project – DDoS mitigation service.

1 comment:

Blogger said...

I've been using AVG protection for a number of years now, I'd recommend this Anti virus to all of you.

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