Website Traffic Exchange

What’s the Common Core and How Will It Affect My Child?

For the past several years, parents have been getting used to the testing and state standards that have been set forth by the No Child Left Behind Act. Yet, even with these standards and accountability measures, the US still doesn’t come close to being in the top ten countries as far as student test scores in math and science worldwide. As a result of these scores and as is common in the field of education, change has come to the federal requirements for curriculum taught in US schools. The Common Core Curriculum Initiative is a national curriculum that is research based and should help our...

Software Apps To Help You Win In The Courtroom

In today’s fast-paced legal world, legal apps are becoming more important than ever before, allowing lawyers to check on important information or keep up to date with their caseload, no matter where they may be. These apps can eliminate the need to get back to the office to cite a legal reference or the disaster of being caught unprepared just before an important case. JuryTracker JuryTracker is an iPad app that is designed to help lawyers...

Three Android Apps For Professional Sound Engineers

It can be very cumbersome to take every tool you own onto every small job. Decibel meters, frequency monitors, and tone generators are a few of those tools that are needed but not necessarily wanted on every job. However, thanks to the proliferation of mobile phones and Android technology, we have the solution for you! Not only can your phone be a simple recorder, but it can now be a decibel meter, frequency monitor/detector, and a tone generator!...

Pack Away Your Stress When You Move Home With These Super Smartphone Apps!

Moving home is right up there with getting married, getting divorced and giving birth, yes…it’s a biggie alright! The statistics say that the average family will move home at least twice in their lives, and each time tends to be a right pain in the ****. Some of us move a lot more frequently and to be honest it never seems to get any easier. The forward planning is supposed to be the way to go, but something inside the typical home owner starts...